• 1 - First LOGIN or REGISTER below

  • 2 - Once you are logged in you can make a booking

  • 3 - Check the calendar to make sure that the date and time you want is available.

  • 4 - Fill in the form below the calendar.

  • 5 - For a public event you can enter details that will be shown in the Parish Hall calendar and in the upcoming events list. Private events are not publicised, they are only shown here to avoid double bookings.

  • 6 - The start time and the duration of your booking needs to cover your setting up and clearing away time as well as the event time. It is the total time that you will need the hall.

  • 7 - If you intend to serve alcohol at your event you will need to submit a Temporary Event Notice to the local council. Click here for information

  • 8 - Once you've completed the form click SAVE at the top of the form.

  • 9 - A booking request will be sent to the booking secretary who will double check the availabilty and get in touch with you.

Daily View
Sunday, April 14, 2019

General Election (All day)

General, District and Parish Elections


Pilates (Sun. 14 Apr, 2019 18:30 - 20:30)

"A gentle and invigorating Pilates class run by a qualified Physiotherapist. Ideal for those looking to condition, stabilise and retrain the core, enhancing fitness and wellbeing. ??6 for pay as you go classes or purchase a Class Pass at ??30 for 6 classes."

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