You can book the Parish Hall in various ways:

  1. Use the online form below
  2. Download a booking enquiry form here, complete it and send it back to us at:
        c/o Field Cottage, Musthay Field, Tockington BS32 4NP
  3. Telephone the booking secretary - 07780 515317
  4. Email the booking secretary - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  5. Completing a booking enquiry form in the Parish Hall booking folder which is kept behind the cash desk at The Olveston Stores

Subject to room availability a provisional booking will be accepted. A signed Booking Application form must be completed for any event and acknowledged by the Booking Secretary.

To secure your booking we will require a 50% deposit in advance of the event. This will need to be paid once you have received your booking acknowledgement. You can still pay by cheque but we would much prefer you to use our Paypal secure payment system where you can use your debit card – you don’t need to have a Paypal account but if you already do please use it.

We do offer discounts to our normal booking charges for multiple or block bookings. Please ring to discuss these with our booking secretary.

booking policy

All hirings are subject to our booking policy. Click here to read it.