It is the policy of the management Committee not to discriminate directory or indirectly against anyone (whether staff, volunteers, committee members, users or the community in general) on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political belief or marital status.

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Download this file (Equality and Diversity Policy.pdf)Equality and Diversity Policy.pdf


"At last we have a Parish Hall, the want of which has been felt for many years." With these words the Vicar of Olveston the Rev J E Vernon began his description, in the Parish Magazine, of the opening of the Parish Hall in Tockington by her Grace the Duchess of Beaufort on October 31st 1901. The Duchess was presented with a bouquet of violets and lilies of the valley by Capt Henry Pomeroy and Mrs Salmon's infant daughter - whom many of us in later life would recognise as Robin Bush's mother.
